Overview: Christianity got off to a bad start
for Berlin. In 1140, a local prince
decreed that everyone must be baptized or die. German Pastor Hans-Peter says, "People here
have been negative toward Christianity ever since, and our City has never
experienced revival."
International Missions
Understanding that the Gospel is to the Jew first, from our early days we began our international missions ministry by supporting Jewish evangelism and discipleship, after which our congregation started helping other strategic initiatives around the world. In the following is a synopsis of some of the global efforts we give to financially.
Overview: The purpose of the European Initiative - now known as E. I. - is to spiritually impact European nations through five initiatives: First - Jewish Ministry, Second - Teaching/Equipping, Third - Outreach & Evangelism, Fourth - Benevolence, and Fifth - a Prayer Initiative. Now based in Berlin , Germany ; this ministry is impacting
Global Ventures exists to equip multiple believers to proclaim the gospel to the nations and to disciple new believers to do the same in their own homelands; which is done through short term mission trips and strategic service projects, as well as long term support ministries for local churches and their leaders around the world.
Founded 20 years ago by John and Martine Smithwick, Global Ventures continues to thrive in many ways. For more information on this wonderful ministry and their Bible School in Tulsa, check out their informative website.
Overview: As a mission of the Fairhaven Ministries Children’s Home, in Covington , Louisiana ; Hope For Others exists to meet the spiritual, physical, and mental needs of others; as the Lord makes it possible.
In 1996, Valentin and Tatyana Sviontek joined Dr. Wayne and Bonnie Wilks in leaving Shady Grove Church of Grand Prairie, Texas and moving to Ukraine for founding the first school called Messianic Jewish Bible Institute; MJBI. Both Valentin and Tayana were raised there under Communism in the days of the Soviet Union. Coming from Jewish families, Val and Tatyana professed faith in Yeshua in their teens and met at a Youth Camp for believers shortly thereafter. The Camp was located in the very city where MJBI would begin outside of Odessa in 1996!
After planting Or HaMashiach Messianic Congregation in 2003, Val and Tatyana continued to oversee MJBI’s fschool in Ukraine. Today, the congregation has grown to over 400 weekly attendees, with the majority of them Jewish.
Odessa is a city with over 100,000 Jewish people today. Most of them have not yet met our Messiah, Yeshua. Through their international ministry - now called Jewish Partner Initiative - and thriving Congregation, the Sviontek's are raising up leaders to see their city - and beyond - ministered to in Yeshua’s great name.
OVERVIEW: Moms Against Hunger is a non-profit Christian
charity providing relief to children and families who lack food, clothing,
medical supplies and life sustaining aid due to serious life threatening
catastrophes, natural disasters, wars and famines.

with them.
OVERVIEW: Founded in 1983, Bob and Jay's missionary ministry began with large
goals. They have traveled often
to meet God's call and fulfill the plans He laid upon their heart.
Overview: In 1989, a Youth With A Mission Team started up YWAM-Haiti which has become a tremendous blessing to that nation as daily progress is made to see all of Haiti transformed for the Glory of God.
In the summer of 2012, our congregation was involved in serving an orphanage in Honduras, affiliated with Impact Ministries International. In the following is a Video Slide Show of some of the ministry highlights from this week
On August 20th of 2012, we sent out a Ministry Team to Romania to conduct what was called "The Testimony Tour" at - and from - City On A Hill Church in Apata, Transylvania. While there, they spread the hope giving love of Jesus through praying, praising, preaching, and proclaiming their testimonies about the wonderful works of God. Everywhere they went, they befriended Gypsies, Hungarians and Romanians. Here is a Video Slide Show of that outreach.
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